Monday, November 20, 2023


 There was a packed clubhouse and a great atmosphere at Burghley Park Golf Club for the annual presentation evening held last Friday.


The evening started with the presentation of the charity cheque to Laura Denney, the Area Support Manager for Cancer Research UK and Sally Stillingfleet, manager of the Stamford shop.   As in many golf clubs, it is traditional to raise funds for charity, and this year Club Captain Trevor Smith, Ladies’ Captain Anne Harrison-Smith and Seniors’ Captain Mark Hotchkin chose Cancer Research UK as their designated charity.   


Laura thanked the Captains and members of Burghley Park Golf Club for choosing CRUK as their nominated charity.   She knows how challenging it is to organise events, and wanted to thank every single person who has contributed in any way to the incredible amount raised throughout the year.


CRUK researches into every type of cancer, thus helping to save millions of lives wordwide.


Burghley Park Golf club raised an amazing £7,000, and an additional £2,400 was raised by Cathal McHugh from a charity golf day he organised at Oundle Golf club earlier in the year, giving a magnificent final total of £9,400.   This amount could be used, for example, to pay for a lab technician for 7 months, or a clinical trial into advanced Prostate cancer, or the running of Cancer Chat online for a month.


In addition to this Burghley Ladies have been donating bags of “preloved” items through the year, and collected an astounding 250 bags of items.  Laura noted that each single bag of unwanted items could be worth £25 of income through sale of the items in the local High Street shop.


Laura, and Stamford shop manager Sally, gave heartfelt thanks to all Burghley members for playing a part in so generously raising these vital funds for a very worthwhile charity.


Chris Masters and Joan Hickman who
were recognised for being members for
Thirty years.

The evening moved on to the presentation of long service awards to members, commencing with those who have been members for 30 years.  Those present to receive their awards were Barnard Kane, Cedric Cadman, David Riley, Gerry Clark, Mark Yarham, Peter Hickman, Joan Hickman, and Chris Masters.   Members receiving  their 40 year awards were Andrew Vaughan and Brian 

The final part of the evening was the presentation of trophies to winners of the competitions held throughout the golfing year.  Captain Trevor Smith introduced this part of the evening by first of all thanking Juniors’ Organiser Darren Game for his incredible work in making the Junior Section a thriving and successful part of the club.  


Juniors receiving trophies were William Rees (John Price Trophy) and Leo Christoudias (Captain of the Juniors) who won the Junior Championship Trophy, as well the Altech Award for his outstanding contribution to the Junior Section.  


Trevor Smith and Anne Harrison-Smith presented trophies to all of the following members:


Peter Collins (Mulligan Trophy); Andrew and James Vaughan (men’s winter league); Sandy Bushby (ladies’ winter eclectic); Gail Hunt and Mary Gates (Winter League); Janet Farrington (PJ Trophy and Brenda Capon Trophy); Darren Fellowes (PJ Trophy); Mark Crampton & Darren Russon (Jubilee Cup); Richard Allen (Coronation Cup); Gail Hunt (Rudkin Cup); Alex Salam & Callum Reid (Jackson Trophy); Clare Farrell (Ladies’ Quincentenary Cup); David Hibbs (Sandy Grey-Smith medal); Sue Churchill (Golf Foundation Medal, Summer Eclectic and Latimer Trophy); Pippa Le Sage & Lynda Lancaster (Ladies’ Bailey Foursomes); Adrian Bell (Peck Memorial, Gross and Single Figure cup); David Tilley (Peck Memorial, nett); Andrew Taylor (Brenda Capon Trophy); Janet Duff (Jubilee Cup and Challenge Plate); Mary Humphrey (Stella Spiegl trophy); George Sutton (10 – 18 Cup); Simon Tee (Rabbits Cup); Thomas Breheny ((Jim Shannon medal); Lynda Lancaster (Jim Shannon medal); Richard Moore (David Blaik Medal); Lindsey Freeman (David Blaik medal); Peter Hickman (Francis Friend Medal); Karen Collins (Francis Friend Medal); Jan Devlin (Barnes Bowl); Ralph Brindle (LCP gross); Jim Scutt (LCP nett); Steve Dawson & Adrian Ward (Cottingham Salver); Jeff Miles (1895 knockout); Trevor Robson (1895 plate); Javan Argent & Mary Sharp (Swindin Trophy); Lewin Auciello (Scratch knockout); Vivienne Swift (Peggy Baxter trophy); Ian McEwan, Mary Sharp, Mary Gates & Andrew Wade (Holman Cup); Mary Gates (Challenge Cup and Club Champion, nett);  Deborah Ellis (Winners Salver); Michelle Powell (Midweek Best of Series); Mary Gates & Janet Farrington (Autumn Leaves); Carol Johnson & Michelle Powell (Autumn Shield);  Kevin Moxham & David Waddell (Terry Baxter Trophy); Natalie Jones (Ladies’ most improved player); Liam Buttery (Men’s most improved player).  


The club champions for 2023 were Michelle Powell and Nick Glover.   


Club Champion Nick Glover spoke for all members of the Club when he closed the proceedings by thanking all of the Club’s staff and committee members for the time and effort they put into making Burghley such a great place to play golf.


Presentation of the Charity Cheque to Area Support Manager
for Cancer Research UK Laura Denney (far right) with Club Captain
Trevor Smith (left), Seniors’ Captain Mark Hotchkin, Sally Stillingfleet the
manager of CRUK Stamford shop and Ladies’ Captain Anne Harrison-Smith

Men’s and Junior trophy winners


Ladies’ trophy winners

Ladies’ Club Champion Michelle Powell
with the Club Captains

Men’s Club Champion Nick Glover with the Club Captains





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