Sunday, December 4, 2022



1st: Janet Farrington, Helen Haynes & Andrea Stevens with a net 66

2nd: Lynda Lancaster, Jane Mantell & Helen Pollard on countback with 69

3rd: Sandy Bushby, Theresa Young & Jan Devlin on countback with 69

4th: Margaret Middleton, Joan Hickman and Chris Taylor on countback with 69

The weather was not kind and even dished up a bit of rather heavy rain driving everyone into the chalet for a 'light' serving of mulled wine ( well for most!!), pork pies, sausage rolls, stollen and mince pies in the plural!!  But 16 teams made it round with head torches needed for the rearguard of Judy, Gill and Steph!

Christmas outfits were mandatory and some very dodgy headgear was in evidence, still not sure about the chicken that chalet maid Fennie was sporting !

And the master bakers were in evidence big time
The secret of the winners at the half way house fueled on Christmas biscuits from team member Helen Haynes

Jayne just wanted everyone to appreciate her jumper!!

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