Tuesday, December 6, 2022



We are pleased to announce that Tuesday Mornings will become a dedicated morning for all lady golfers at Burghley Park Golf Club. As a result of an important survey conducted by the Ladies’ Competition Committee, it was established that the members wanted more opportunities for playing during the week.

Tuesday was considered the best day as there already exists the very successful Tuesday Lady Roll Up run by Elspeth, Margaret and Joan. The Tuesday Ladies Group plays a vital role in welcoming new members, new to golf members, providing more gentle golf to long time players as well as welcoming back to the club those who no longer play. However, there is a place needed on Tuesdays for active golfers who would like to play with their friends and participate in the occasional competition.

After several meetings, it was decided to create a day for all lady golfers as takes place in golf clubs all over the world and Tuesdays will be Burghley’s day.

During the golf season, those ladies wishing to play with their friends will have tee times from 8:40 to 9:36. This slot will allow up to 36 ladies to play. The Tuesday Ladies’ Roll Up will start at 9:44 and events will carry on with 18 and 9 hole play as well as the usual competitions.  It was agreed that any lady could play with the Tuesday Ladies or in the early 8:40 to 9:36 tee times.

Ladies Morning will start Tuesday 7th of February 2023 to help prepare ladies for the golf season with this new format. There will be winter tee times from 8:40 am to 9:20 for ladies who don’t want to play in Tuesday Ladies. That’s six tee times accommodating up to 24 players.  This section will be known as 'Ladies Day’.  'Tuesday Ladies‘ tee times will be from  9:28 until 10:24.

The proviso is that the slots are used and if not used, they are given back to the Club.

We hope that this action shows that the Ladies Committee is trying to meet the needs of all the members. It is exciting that we will have a dedicated ladies morning which should suit the playing requirements of every player. We will look forward to seeing you all there on Tuesday mornings throughout the year.

Kind regards,

Pippa & Anne

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