Friday, December 2, 2022



We had 45 ladies complete the survey. So not a bad survey size for our section.  Looking ahead: Ladies Comps committee have met to discuss the findings in detail and are looking at ways to respond, so watch this space!

An overview of the results are as follows:

TIMING:  55% felt we had the right mix of weekday and weekend comps. 35% would like to see more weekday comps and of the 35%, most cited commitments at weekends as the problem.

REASONS FOR ENTERING:  there were equal numbers of votes for enjoying social and competitive golf and maintaining a handicap

REASONS FOR NOT ENTERING: these centred largely around availability at weekends and weekdays, not format or cost, with only 8 citing a preference to do general play cards

TYPE OF GOLF PLAYED: competitive golf was the majority choice here, with only 8 citing social golf only

FORMAT: the most popular request was for more fun comps (28 responses), then more mixed (15) and more Stablefords (15), more pairs comps (15) and finally a very small number asked for the occasional drawn comp to mix players up (3).   There were single requests for:    a) divisions in Stablefords   b) an inclusive Tuesday comp.   c) more bogey comps,  d) a dedicated Thursday roll up.


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