Tuesday, December 13, 2022


The mid-week ladies Christmas competition was blighted by a blanket of fog which closed the course.   Undeterred, around 40 ladies (past and present players) arrived and filled the clubhouse with jollity, munched mince pies, consumed coffee and took part in quizzes and indoor putting all superbly organised by the team of Elspeth, Joan and Margaret. Janet Roberts won the putting competition with 4 successful putts closely followed by a pair of Joannes (Cheshire and Wheatley) with 3 putts apiece.

Winner of the Putting Competition
Janet Roberts

Tuesday, December 6, 2022



We are pleased to announce that Tuesday Mornings will become a dedicated morning for all lady golfers at Burghley Park Golf Club. As a result of an important survey conducted by the Ladies’ Competition Committee, it was established that the members wanted more opportunities for playing during the week.

Tuesday was considered the best day as there already exists the very successful Tuesday Lady Roll Up run by Elspeth, Margaret and Joan. The Tuesday Ladies Group plays a vital role in welcoming new members, new to golf members, providing more gentle golf to long time players as well as welcoming back to the club those who no longer play. However, there is a place needed on Tuesdays for active golfers who would like to play with their friends and participate in the occasional competition.

After several meetings, it was decided to create a day for all lady golfers as takes place in golf clubs all over the world and Tuesdays will be Burghley’s day.

During the golf season, those ladies wishing to play with their friends will have tee times from 8:40 to 9:36. This slot will allow up to 36 ladies to play. The Tuesday Ladies’ Roll Up will start at 9:44 and events will carry on with 18 and 9 hole play as well as the usual competitions.  It was agreed that any lady could play with the Tuesday Ladies or in the early 8:40 to 9:36 tee times.

Ladies Morning will start Tuesday 7th of February 2023 to help prepare ladies for the golf season with this new format. There will be winter tee times from 8:40 am to 9:20 for ladies who don’t want to play in Tuesday Ladies. That’s six tee times accommodating up to 24 players.  This section will be known as 'Ladies Day’.  'Tuesday Ladies‘ tee times will be from  9:28 until 10:24.

The proviso is that the slots are used and if not used, they are given back to the Club.

We hope that this action shows that the Ladies Committee is trying to meet the needs of all the members. It is exciting that we will have a dedicated ladies morning which should suit the playing requirements of every player. We will look forward to seeing you all there on Tuesday mornings throughout the year.

Kind regards,

Pippa & Anne

Sunday, December 4, 2022



1st: Janet Farrington, Helen Haynes & Andrea Stevens with a net 66

2nd: Lynda Lancaster, Jane Mantell & Helen Pollard on countback with 69

3rd: Sandy Bushby, Theresa Young & Jan Devlin on countback with 69

4th: Margaret Middleton, Joan Hickman and Chris Taylor on countback with 69

The weather was not kind and even dished up a bit of rather heavy rain driving everyone into the chalet for a 'light' serving of mulled wine ( well for most!!), pork pies, sausage rolls, stollen and mince pies in the plural!!  But 16 teams made it round with head torches needed for the rearguard of Judy, Gill and Steph!

Christmas outfits were mandatory and some very dodgy headgear was in evidence, still not sure about the chicken that chalet maid Fennie was sporting !

And the master bakers were in evidence big time
The secret of the winners at the half way house fueled on Christmas biscuits from team member Helen Haynes

Jayne just wanted everyone to appreciate her jumper!!

Friday, December 2, 2022



We had 45 ladies complete the survey. So not a bad survey size for our section.  Looking ahead: Ladies Comps committee have met to discuss the findings in detail and are looking at ways to respond, so watch this space!

An overview of the results are as follows:

TIMING:  55% felt we had the right mix of weekday and weekend comps. 35% would like to see more weekday comps and of the 35%, most cited commitments at weekends as the problem.

REASONS FOR ENTERING:  there were equal numbers of votes for enjoying social and competitive golf and maintaining a handicap

REASONS FOR NOT ENTERING: these centred largely around availability at weekends and weekdays, not format or cost, with only 8 citing a preference to do general play cards

TYPE OF GOLF PLAYED: competitive golf was the majority choice here, with only 8 citing social golf only

FORMAT: the most popular request was for more fun comps (28 responses), then more mixed (15) and more Stablefords (15), more pairs comps (15) and finally a very small number asked for the occasional drawn comp to mix players up (3).   There were single requests for:    a) divisions in Stablefords   b) an inclusive Tuesday comp.   c) more bogey comps,  d) a dedicated Thursday roll up.