Monday, December 4, 2023


Annual Captain v Vice Captain Match 

Seven teams lead by Captain, Anne and Vice Captain, Karen braved the freezing conditions to compete in the Annual Captain v Vice Captain match on Sunday 26th November.

First up on the tee were Anne anKaren playing a singles match. Then followed six teams, randomly drawn by the Men’s Captain, Trevor Smith and Vice Captain, Steve Coultasplaying a Greensomesformat.

It was a closely contested competition and went down to the final group on the 18th before the Captain’s team narrowly took the title. 

The match was played with good humour and a great sporting atmosphere with the Captain’s teams waving The Saltire in support of Anne’s Scottish theme for 2023.

The ladies enjoyed a well-earned, and much welcomed, warming mug of mulled wine and mince pies served by Chris and Pete in the clubhouse after their rounds.

Anne, delighted with her win in one of her final events for the 2023 season, thanked everyone for taking part and Chris and Pete for their help on the day.


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