Thursday, September 28, 2023

Ullesthorpe Court Ladies Away Trip Aug 23-celebrating the winners!

Over 30 ladies tripped across to the western reaches of Leicestershire for a largely warm and sunny escape from our course closure.  The trip was masterminded by our lady captain, Anne HS  together with a small group of 'mostly 'willing' helpers!    Teams were as usual a mix of high,medium and low handicappers, drawn randomly (with a little bit of tweaking).  Here follows a catch up of the winners of the trip.

    DAY 1 : Traditional AmAm format, a discovery and warm up on the course with friends or whoever was available!   

        Winners: CJ, Michelle, Judy and a ghost score: 99pts

        2nd place: Sue C, Mary G, Sara, Janet F : 98pts

        3rd Karen C, Natalie, Vivienne and Steph: 89pts

DAY 2 :  The start of the 2 day competitions for real- a 3 Ball Alliance

        Winners: Janet F, Mary G and Vivienne: 103pts

        2nd : Mel, Natalie and Curly Sue: 94pts

    3rd : Karen Wh, Mary S and Barbara:  93pts

More results and prizes for Wonderful Wednesday
        Best Front 9: Jayne, Judy and Binnie with 52pts 
        Best Back 9: Sue C, Anne F and Beryl
        Nearest the Pins on Hole 2: Steph and on hole 2: Elaine

DAY 3 : a tricky 4 BBB with a 4 hole Amen Corner where the 2 scores were doubled and all played off the BPGC score card! So Eagles, Birdies and more possible

    Winners : Karen Wh, Lynn and Natalie: 108 pts

    2nd : Michelle, Joan and Binnie : 103pts

    3rd : Steph, Anne F and Mary Sh : 100pts

More results and prizes for Thrilling Thursday

        Best Front: Bev, Helen, Karen and Jane M 
        Best Back 9: Jayne C, Clare, and Marilyn
        Nearest the Pins in two on Hole 7: CJ and Mary G on hole 17

Prize giving got quite complicated at one point and a special mention goes to our chair of ladies comps for orchestrating a really diverse 3 days of golf comps-Sara

And lastly, a huge thanks to Anne for her time and generosity, from all of us.  There were almost more prizes than competitors! And thankfully there was one spare from vice captain Karen C for Anne as a token of our appreciation.  

It was truly a great trip away, thanks Anne. 

More photos to follow in the next blog as a snap shot off the course!

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