Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Hollman Cup Mixed

 This is the second year of this wonderful event that was introduced by Carole Hollman before her passing in March 2022 to mark her 50 yrs membership of BPGC. 16 teams of men and women golfers entered today Sunday Sept 24th, where the rules stipulate that the AmAm score must include the best ladies score and the best mens score.  The Hollman family were represenetd today in a 'family and friends' team of their own: Carole's son James ( a natural golfer of course), daughter Julie and longstanding family friend Pip Le Sage and co-worker to Julie, Tom, something of a wild card having played off 5 once upon a time. Despite Julie only having played about 3 rounds of golf in her lifetime, and Pip with a very modest half swing, they managed 72pts-a feat in itself as it was a very windy day and the fairways were not short!

The winning team (78 points) Andrew Wade, Mary Sharp, Mary Gates and Ian McEwan, with two of Carole Hollman’s children behind (James and Julie)

 Runners up (77 points) John Tilly, Mike Powell, Michelle Powell and Lynda Lancaster with Julie and James

Thanks go to the comps organiser Jane Saggers who deftly matched stray golfers together, no easy task and Kay Hircock who volunteered to man the chalet with her helpers and encourage all the Burghley Lady cake makers to whirr into action to feed us all at the halfway house

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