Thursday, September 28, 2023



There was a fabulous atmosphere in the clubhouse for Thursday’s invitation day when 14 teams took part.There were delicious home made cakes served at the half way house and a welcome meal of lasagne and salad afterwards.

Winning Team (78 points on count back):  Lynn Collen,
Chris Vickers, Janet Duff and Elaine Macleman
with Karen and Anne


Second place (78 points): Stephanie Crook, Sally Burton,
Mary Gates and Charlotte Lane.   Mary collected the prize
as the other three had to leave!

Third place (77 pts) Bev Harpham, Maria Taylor-Vassall,
 Jo Martin & Tracy Mackey

4th place (76 pts): Pam Mackey, Anne Milsom, Jenny Cobb
and Penny Campbell

Enjoying tea and cakes at the half way house.

Molly and Maryon over seeing the halfway house 

Ullesthorpe Court Ladies Away Trip Aug 23-celebrating the winners!

Over 30 ladies tripped across to the western reaches of Leicestershire for a largely warm and sunny escape from our course closure.  The trip was masterminded by our lady captain, Anne HS  together with a small group of 'mostly 'willing' helpers!    Teams were as usual a mix of high,medium and low handicappers, drawn randomly (with a little bit of tweaking).  Here follows a catch up of the winners of the trip.

    DAY 1 : Traditional AmAm format, a discovery and warm up on the course with friends or whoever was available!   

        Winners: CJ, Michelle, Judy and a ghost score: 99pts

        2nd place: Sue C, Mary G, Sara, Janet F : 98pts

        3rd Karen C, Natalie, Vivienne and Steph: 89pts

DAY 2 :  The start of the 2 day competitions for real- a 3 Ball Alliance

        Winners: Janet F, Mary G and Vivienne: 103pts

        2nd : Mel, Natalie and Curly Sue: 94pts

    3rd : Karen Wh, Mary S and Barbara:  93pts

More results and prizes for Wonderful Wednesday
        Best Front 9: Jayne, Judy and Binnie with 52pts 
        Best Back 9: Sue C, Anne F and Beryl
        Nearest the Pins on Hole 2: Steph and on hole 2: Elaine

DAY 3 : a tricky 4 BBB with a 4 hole Amen Corner where the 2 scores were doubled and all played off the BPGC score card! So Eagles, Birdies and more possible

    Winners : Karen Wh, Lynn and Natalie: 108 pts

    2nd : Michelle, Joan and Binnie : 103pts

    3rd : Steph, Anne F and Mary Sh : 100pts

More results and prizes for Thrilling Thursday

        Best Front: Bev, Helen, Karen and Jane M 
        Best Back 9: Jayne C, Clare, and Marilyn
        Nearest the Pins in two on Hole 7: CJ and Mary G on hole 17

Prize giving got quite complicated at one point and a special mention goes to our chair of ladies comps for orchestrating a really diverse 3 days of golf comps-Sara

And lastly, a huge thanks to Anne for her time and generosity, from all of us.  There were almost more prizes than competitors! And thankfully there was one spare from vice captain Karen C for Anne as a token of our appreciation.  

It was truly a great trip away, thanks Anne. 

More photos to follow in the next blog as a snap shot off the course!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Hollman Cup Mixed

 This is the second year of this wonderful event that was introduced by Carole Hollman before her passing in March 2022 to mark her 50 yrs membership of BPGC. 16 teams of men and women golfers entered today Sunday Sept 24th, where the rules stipulate that the AmAm score must include the best ladies score and the best mens score.  The Hollman family were represenetd today in a 'family and friends' team of their own: Carole's son James ( a natural golfer of course), daughter Julie and longstanding family friend Pip Le Sage and co-worker to Julie, Tom, something of a wild card having played off 5 once upon a time. Despite Julie only having played about 3 rounds of golf in her lifetime, and Pip with a very modest half swing, they managed 72pts-a feat in itself as it was a very windy day and the fairways were not short!

The winning team (78 points) Andrew Wade, Mary Sharp, Mary Gates and Ian McEwan, with two of Carole Hollman’s children behind (James and Julie)

 Runners up (77 points) John Tilly, Mike Powell, Michelle Powell and Lynda Lancaster with Julie and James

Thanks go to the comps organiser Jane Saggers who deftly matched stray golfers together, no easy task and Kay Hircock who volunteered to man the chalet with her helpers and encourage all the Burghley Lady cake makers to whirr into action to feed us all at the halfway house

Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Today, ladies gathered at Burghley to celebrate Joan Hickman's 80th Birthday. It was a feast to enjoy with lots of cake, coffee, tea and Prosecco. A wonderful way to pass the morning as the course was closed due to high winds.

Flowers created by Maggie presented to
Joan from the Tuesday Ladies.

Joan with her Birthday cake with
a whistling candle.

Friday, September 15, 2023


Burghley Park Ladies played Cleethorpes at Grimsby yesterday in the Lincolnshire Handicap League final. Burghley are the South Division winners and Cleethorpes the North Division winners. It was a hard fought battle, all four matches going to the last putt on the 18th!! The result was 2-2! Our first pair, Alex Nisbet and Sue Churchill then went on to play in a sudden death play off. Sue and Alex played some magnificent golf to take the playoff to the 5th hole ( unheard of in the history of this final in Lincolnshire) where Cleethorpes won with a nett Eagle.

Burghley Ladies should be very proud of themselves as the A Team have only been in the top division for 2 years, and to put up such a magnificent fight against Cleethorpes ( who are a top club in the North of the county) was a great achievement.

Sue and Alex
Sandy and Gail

Kay and Michelle

Jo and Mel

A tense time for the rest of the team

Alex and Sue in action:

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Congratulations to Jo Bell who got her first Hole in One today. It was on the 3rd at Burghley and she used the an Eight iron. Afterwards Jo treated everyone to a Dram of Southern Comfort! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023



September 10th 2023

1st Jan Devlin +4
2nd Janet Duff +1
3rd Sandy Bushby +1


September 5th 2023

Bev Harpham beat
Karen Collins