Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Fifteen teams checked the forecast and were thrilled to see the rain would hold off, allowing everyone to enjoy a round of golf, get in before the rain and chicken cesar salad afterwards.

The course was in excellent condition despite the previous day's rain. A brief heavy shower on one hole didn't dampen their spirits; the sun quickly dried everything up.

The weather held up beautifully until the final group, who unfortunately encountered a sudden downpour with thunder and lightning, forcing them to stop play on the 17th tee. Thankfully, Michelle Powell stepped in to ensure fair competition by deciding the winner would be based on the 16 holes played.

Nearest Pin 3rd Cath Emery (Brampton Park)

NP 9th. Louise McFerran

NP 13th Deb Ellis

1st Place 70 Pts (count back)

Anne Fensom. Barbara Newell

Sandy Kennedy (Nene Park GC)

Val Aspland (Tydd St Giles GC

2nd Place 70pts (Countback)

Gill Robinson. Judith Dallas

Caroline Beaty (Luffenham Heath)

Debbie Elliot (Rutland Water GC)

3rd Place 69pts

Karen Stroud. Jane Thompson

Jane Meredith (Luffenham Heath)

Caroline Harvey (Hunstanton)