Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Kay Hircock and Michelle Powell 
who represented Burghley Park Golf Club.

Well done to Kay and Michelle who came 16th out of 64 pairs at the R&A Coronation Foursomes Regional Finals at Lincoln today. 

With a respectable score of 33 the pair beat all our local rivals: Greetham, Luffenham Heath, Stoke Rochford, Milton and Toft.

Playing with the eventual winner, Kay and Michelle felt they played a small part in their victory.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Fourteen teams of four gathered to play in the Hollman Cup. This event was introduced in 2022 by Carole Hollman to celebrate her fifty years of membership. The sun was shining, but players had to face the challenge of playing in strong winds. The winning team of David Brailsford, Michael Marriott, Marilyn Marriott and Jo Richardson managed an excellent 87 points pipping the players in second place with a better inward half. 

L-R Jo Richardson, Marilyn Marriott, Michael Marriott, David Brailsford
Gentlemens' Captain Steve Colts and Ladies' Captain Karen Collins

1st David Brailsford, Michael Marriott, Marilyn Marriott and Jo Richardson  
87 points (BIH)
2nd Graham Camp, Doug Hunter, Sara Harris & Janet Farrington
87 points
3rd Mike Beaumont, Anne Fensom, Barbara Newell & Bill O'Driscoll
85 points


Friday, August 23, 2024


 It has come to the attention of the county that some members are having problems signing into Golf Genius. As a result, two videos have been made to show how this is done. To see these videos, just click the menu tab above on your computer or the 'move to tab' above on your mobile and go to HOW TO ENTER COUNTY COMPETITIONS.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Seniors Ladies' Summer Trophy

Monday 19th August

1st Pauline Crampin 44 points

2nd Christine Masters 43 points

3rd  Janet Metcalfe  42 points

Ladies Francis Friend Medal

Sunday 18th August

1st Louise McFerran  nett 63

2nd Joanne Cheshire  nett 65

3rd Christine Redfern  nett 66

Combined Midweek Stableford

Wednesday 14th August

1st Carol Johnson 42 points (Winner Overall)

2nd  Sandy Bushby 37 points(2nd Lady)

3rd Karen Whittingham 36 points (3rd Lady)

Ladies' David Blaik Medal

Sunday August 4th 2024

L-R Clare Farrell, Helen Haynes and Anne Fensom

Gross and Medal Winner
Helen Haynes 86

Nett Winner
1st Helen Haynes 68
2nd Anne  Fensom 70
3rd Clare Farrell  71

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Race to Woodhall Spa

Today saw the mighty 'Hit it Far' Farrington take on the Hotchkin course as part of  the National Final in the Race to Woodhall Spa, playing it for only the 3rd time in her golfing life-it's a brave golfer who goes back a second time, let alone a 3rd!!

Janet was competing in a field of 59 ladies who had won their place after regional qualifiers back in May (ours was at Stoke Rochford).  From the talk in the ladies locker room afterwards, it was clear that many had never played the course before and never been in so many bunkers that they couldn't see over the top of. Certainly the ladies in Janet's 3 Ball mostly scored a big fat zero on any hole that involved a trip to the bunkers.  However Janet popped out of every one first time and managed a place in the middle of the field with a score of 30pts, only 7 players made it to 40pts + and the lowest score was 20pts with a high percentage in the 20s.   

Even the heather in full bloom didn't deter Janet, despite making full use of the slightly wider fairways and a bit beyond!  The greens were fast but our Burghley lady showed no sign of being intimidated by them, starting with a par on the first just to show the others how to do it.  The winning score of 45pts was a young 14 yr old golfer, whose mum and dad are now forking out for a trip to Portugal as guardians of their prodigy.  A great solid performance despite some early nerves, well done Janet...again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024



L-R Bev Harpham, Barbara Newell, Jan Devlin, SaraHarris,
Janet Duff, Stephanie Crook, Elaine Brown, Pippa LeSage
and Team Captain Lynn Collen

The C Team met for their last home match v Spalding with water bottles & umbrellas at the ready in the knowledge that it was going to be a hard fought & very hot game. Not only that but the final result needed to be a win or halve in order to top their league for the season, so, ‘no pressure’ then!!! What they did not bargain for was for thunder, lightening and pouring rain after the first hour of playing resulting in a klaxon call back to the Clubhouse! However, the C’s were not deterred once the all clear was given and set back off with the addition of humidity to add to the heat.  All our teams were playing against lower handicap players. It’s safe to say Spalding sent in their big guns!!

Sara and Bev, faced with an ‘A Team’ 12 and 17 handicapper, got an amazing half as did Steph and Joan both playing against a 17 & 18 handicapper.

Elaine and Janet dovetailed well to achieve a great 3-1 win and Jan and Pippa, playing against 21 handicappers had a very close game right to the end with a 3-2 loss. Therefore the whole match resulted in a half which gave Burghley the extra point to go top of the league. An amazing result considering all the odds were against them. Well done to every single one of the C Team players over the season. We couldn’t have done it without you.

The Team having a celebratory drink


Saturday, August 3, 2024




No usual team photo today for our celebrating  Burghley B Team because our Lady Captain provided us with the best  ‘shot’ of the day!!

Karen’s ‘bail in one’ came on Saturday as  the Ladies B team played an important home tie against Woodhall Spa B team. Burghley Bees  needed  to halve the match to avoid relegation.

When Karen Collins’ powerful drive on the 6th plugged the newly bailed hay, she may have hoped playing partner Karen Whittingham would  ‘bale’ her out of trouble, and indeed, the two Karens came home with a convincing 4&3 win against their opponents. Ahead of them, Bev Harpham and her partner Sue Adlam, making an impressive B team debut, were dovetailing perfectly to secure their 2&1 win on the 17th, which guaranteed a match tie, and  knowing they had secured safety in Division 3 of the Lincolnshire Women’s Handicap League.  

The match also saw Deb Ellis put in a convincing debut performance on her B team debut, and the Bees were helped with subs Natalie Jones and Judy Cade playing in a tee time behind the match,  as a ‘buffer’, an idea which has proved hugely popular to everyone ahead of them in the ladies matches. 


The Burghley Buffer has also impressed visitors from both  Woodhall Spa and Stoke Rochford who’re taking the idea back to their own clubs.


Well done to the Bees, and a big thank you to everyone who has played in the team this season.

Friday, August 2, 2024



L-R Sandy Bushby, Kay Hircock, Michelle Powell, 
Jane Saggers, Carol Johnson, Gail Hunt, Jane Carney and Helen Hunt

                              The A Team lost their match against Spalding today 1.5 - 2.5 Spalding                                                                                     brought out all their big guns today. It was a valiant fight. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024



Team 1. Sue Adlam & Anne Harrison Smith

Team 2 Joan Hickman and Debs Ellis

Team 3. Anne Fensom & Natalie Jones

Team 4 Judy Cade & Elaine Brown

The C Teamers girded their loins once again ready for 

their home match against Kirton Holme, but the heat of the 

day and grit determination didn’t stop them from winning 

2 1/2, 1 1/2 . Well done to all the team.