Saturday, October 29, 2022



Lady Captain
Pippa Le Sage

I would like to welcome you to the new Burghley Ladies Blogspot. 

After a lot of discussion within the Ladies' Committee, we felt that we needed to find a way to improve our communication with all our lady members. Sometimes it is not easy to take in all the information coming to us on a daily basis. A blog site such as this has been proven to work at other golf clubs and national associations.

We will endeavour to post information that's useful to you with pictures to make it a more interesting experience.We will post about up and coming events, results, golf rules and other things that matter to you as a member.

On the left you will see links to useful sites. On the right there is a opportunity to view your committees.

Also, if you click on 'Follow', you will be updated as soon as a post goes up. 

We hope you will find this site useful, informative and fun.